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Gary Lowe (The Tartan Turner)

with Gary Lowe (

We had the pleasure to watch Gary turn two pieces, a “Saturn” bowl with an off-centre rim and a shield wall platter. He demonstrated his method for turning off-centre and some of the techniques used to achieve different texturing and decorative effects.

Not only was it nice to see pieces being turned from start to finish but he was very engaging with the audience, funny and happy to answer questions.

AGM Updates

  • News

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the AGM. It was a productive evening with some positive contributions. The notes / minutes will be distributed shortly. 

On the evening members ideas and suggestions for future hands on and demo sessions were collected (suggestions are still welcome from those unable to attend). Based on the feedback received, sanding, finishing and colouring proved to be a very popular themes. Therefore we will look at these areas as the theme for the next 2 or 3 hands on sessions. Starting from this week’s hands-on, Thursday 24th.

Don’t forget to bring some of your projects for the show and tell table. It really doesn’t matter if it’s your first ever piece or the hundredth you’ve made. Everything is appreciated. Similarly if you have a piece you want some help or advice on bring that along as well. 

Peter Nelson, who’s new to the Club and turning sent me this picture of his first project, which I must say is very impressive. 

Candle sticks by Peter Nelson,